“Aprendemos de uno a otro porque veemos la vida desde differentes perspectivas. Estando en el seminario al mismo tiempo ha sido una bendición para los dos.”

Conoce Ethan and CassandraEstudiantes de Maestria de Divinidad

“El ministerio público se considera como un viaje que lo lleva a uno por sendas nunca imaginado…”

Conoce RalenEstudiante de Maestría de Divinidad

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries apoya a ministras/os luteranas/os LGBTQIA+ y todos que persiguen su llamada al ministerio, estimulando a congregaciones y ministerios aliados a la comunidad LGBTQIA+ a anunciar el amor de Dios y buscar justicia para todas/os


In relationships built through outreach and education, Reconciling Works shares Christ’s message, the Gospel, which is for everyone equally. We advocate for systemic change in policy and practice in church and society, working to alleviate not only the painful symptoms of oppression but also to eliminate its root causes.

Reconciling Works logo
Reconciling Works

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries affirms and supports LGBTQIA+ Lutheran rostered leaders and those pursuing a call to rostered leadership, while engaging allied congregations and ministries to proclaim God’s love and seek justice for all.

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries

“Public Ministry is a journey that brings one on roads that they could never have imagined…”

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Meet RalenMaster of Divinity Student

“Every day at LTSS — no matter how seemingly ordinary it may be — I feel like I am being formed for ministry. I am so happy to live and learn here as I prepare for a future in the church.”

Meet MattMaster of Divinity Student

“LTSS provides the perfect setting for faith, fellowship, and formation. The connections we develop through the lessons we learn are precious and will last a lifetime.”

Meet AmandaMaster of Divinity Student

“I never expected to feel so connected to a community of people I didn’t know before coming to LTSS. It’s been a life changing experience that I’m eternally grateful for.”

Meet ClairMaster of Divinity Student

“It can be so easy to come up with reasons to say “no.” Don’t forget to listen to the reasons to say “yes!”

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Meet TaylorMaster of Divinity Student