Wartburg Seminary embodies God’s mission by stewarding resources for engaging, equipping, and sending leaders who interpret, proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ for a world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing.
About Wartburg
About Wartburg
Wartburg Seminary continues to create innovative degree programs that prepare leaders for ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and many other denominations. Warburg Seminary students participate in a proud tradition of outstanding theological education marked by spiritual formation, contextual learning, life-giving relationships, and academic excellence. With a committed faculty and a curricular emphasis in forming leaders for the changing church, Wartburg Seminary continues to produce dedicated and well-equipped church leaders who both proclaim and teach the faith.
Degrees and Programs
Degrees and Programs
Master of Divinity
- Concentrations:
- Hispanic Ministry
- Rural Ministry
- Youth, Culture, and Mission (YCM)
- Mission Development
Master of Arts
- Concentrations:
- Hispanic Ministry
- Rural Ministry
- Youth, Culture, and Mission (YCM)
- Mission Development
Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry
- Concentrations:
- Hispanic Ministry
- Rural Ministry
- Youth, Culture, and Mission (YCM)
- Mission Development
Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (TEEM)
- Classic TEEM
- Competency-Based TEEM: Caminemos Juntos/Journey Together
Certificate in Theological Studies
Certificate in Hispanic Ministry
Advanced Certificate in Rural Ministry
Advanced Certificate in Theological and Congregational Leadership
Advanced Certificate in Youth and Family Ministry
For complete details about our degrees and programs, please click the link below:
Quick Facts
Quick Facts
Number of Students – About 200
Number of Faculty – 15
Number of Degrees and Programs – 3 Degree Programs, 2 TEEM Programs, 5 Certificate Programs
Learning models – Residential (on campus), Distance (in real-time or on your own time), Collaborative (full-time distance learning, part-time work in a ministry context)
Wartburg Admissions
Admissions Assistance
Schedule a Visit
Schedule a Visit
During your visit, we will schedule appointments for you with faculty, admissions, financial aid, and staff.
We invite you to come and spend a couple of days to see what God is up to in this place and explore where God is calling you to be. Support for accommodations is available.
Discernment Retreats
Considering Your Call Discernment Retreats
Explore vocation and discernment
Learn about degree programs and the various models to earn your degree
Attend Classes
Worship with the Wartburg Seminary Community
Meet Faculty, Staff, and Students
Share in meals and fellowship
You Are Our Guest
Wartburg Seminary will provide housing and meals while you are on campus. In some cases, we are able to assist with transportation costs as well.
Our Students Speak
“Everyone’s story is going to be different so you can only listen to yours… If I’d started out right after college as I’d once expected, I likely would have quit a long time ago. Once I knew, I knew. Read the Bible. Pay attention. Most of all, be your most authentic self. “
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“I first talked to my wife about what I was feeling. Honestly, I was hoping that she would think I was crazy and we could just close the book on this whole becoming-a-pastor thing. Instead, she was the first person to affirm my sense of call for which I am forever grateful.”
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Ready to take the next step?
Wartburg Admissions

Director of Admissions

Director for Financial Aid
and Reporting

Vice President for Leadership Formation

Director of Community Life and Candidacy

Director for Contextual Education

Contextual Education Coordinator

Director of Learning for Life and Dean of Chapel